Munyoki Kilyungi
There’s no place like
Sad Tunez - PlayList
A sad, albeit with a tinge of hope, playlist
How To Install WinBugs in ArchLinux using Wine
How to use Wine to install WinBugs
Overcoming Writer's Block
This post outlines some useful ideas that can help in overcoming writer’s block.
Week Notes: 29
Week notes #29: October 01 – November 21
Week Notes: 28
Week notes #28: September 06 – October 01
When you "understand but disagree"
Some notes on disagreeing with what you don’t understand
Week Notes: 27
Week notes #27: July 26 – September 05
Interruptions and Distractions
Some useful ideas for dealing with interruptions/distractions
Taking responsibility in situations you have no control
Week Notes: 26
Week notes #26: July 20 – July 26
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