Consistency is Key: How to Choose Habits that Stick

Jan 5, 2023 13:21 · 344 words · 2 minutes read productivity habits

As we start a new year, many of us set resolutions and goals for ourselves. We often focus on the outcomes we want to achieve, such as losing weight or quitting smoking. But what if we took a different approach and focused on becoming the type of person who can achieve those goals?

James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits,” suggests building “identity-based habits” rather than focusing solely on the outcomes we want to achieve. In other words, we should start by focusing on who we want to become, not just what we want to achieve. By shifting our focus to our identity, we can create long-term changes that become part of who we are.

Consider the difference between saying “I’m the type of person who wants to be healthy” and “I want to be healthy.” The latter statement shows a deeper level of commitment and intrinsic motivation. And as we repeat a behavior and reinforce the identity associated with it, that behavior becomes a natural part of who we are.

Our habits play a significant role in shaping our identity. Each habit is like a vote for the type of person we want to be. As Benjamin Franklin said, “The things you do often create the things you believe.” So, when choosing a habit to build, think about the type of person you want to be and the habits that align with that identity.

Consistency is key when it comes to building habits. Anyone can convince themselves to practice swimming or interview-prep once or twice, but it’s the consistency of the behavior that reinforces the identity and makes it a natural part of who we are. So, choose habits that align with your desired identity and focus on being consistent in your actions.

By shifting our focus to building identity-based habits and being consistent in our actions, we can create long-term changes that become a natural part of who we are. So, let’s start the new year by focusing on who we want to become and the habits that will help us get there.