See if what we already know fits the requirements

Dec 8, 2022 22:07 · 282 words · 2 minutes read productivity

As we go through life, we are constantly learning new things and acquiring new skills. But, sometimes we forget to stop and see if what we already know can be applied to the problems and challenges that we face.

When we are faced with a new problem or challenge, it is natural to think about what we don’t know and what we need to learn in order to solve it. But, this can be a mistake because it overlooks the knowledge and skills that we already possess.

Instead of focusing on what we don’t know, we should take a step back and see if what we already know fits the requirements of the problem or challenge at hand. This can be a valuable exercise because it allows us to leverage our existing knowledge and skills, and it can help us find creative and innovative solutions.

Furthermore, seeing if what we already know fits the requirements can also save us time and effort. Instead of spending hours trying to learn something new, we can focus on applying what we already know in a way that is relevant and useful. Avoid running for shiny new toys until you really need them. Do not fall for the hype.

In conclusion, it is important to remember to see if what we already know fits the requirements of the problems and challenges that we face. This can help us find creative and effective solutions, and it can save us time and effort. So, the next time you are faced with a new problem or challenge, take a moment to see if what you already know can be applied to it. You may be surprised at the results.