Week Notes: 13

Apr 20, 2022 14:00 · 327 words · 2 minutes read weekly-reviews

Free And Open Source(FOSS) Work

Grad School

  • Finished some take-away Continuous Assessment Test (CAT). Type-setting this CAT in LaTeX took me some time.
  • Continued Advanced Bio-informatics. This was an enjoyable experience for me. I should be done with this course this week.


  • Finished “The Godfather”.
  • Bio-informatics books I’m yet to choose [only one] to start reading:
    • “Genetics: From Genes to Genomes”
    • “Essential Bio-informatics”
  • Started: “The Algorithm Design Manual 3rd ed.” by Skiena.
  • Made some little progress with Steve Pinker’s: “The Sense of Style”.
  • Started reading:
    • A Team of Rivals
    • Tiny Habits
    • All the Love You Need
  • Book Recommendation: “Manufacturing Consent” by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman.
  • Book Recommendation from my advanced Bio-informatics course:
    • Learning SPARQL: Querying and Updating with SPARQL 1.1
    • Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS, and OWL (ACM Books)

Personal & Miscellaneous

  • Easter holidays. I was indoors on my computer. That got interrupted by an afternoon with a doctor friend. She’s such a lovely and decent human being.
  • Random hang-out with a friend who has a young family. We talked about careers. He is interested in transitioning in to research work [away from a well-paying corporate job].
  • Random thought: I work with some brilliant exceptional people.
  • Practised some cursive. I want to have a better mastery of all the letter forms in the Palmer style of business writing.
  • I’m growing into a person that prefers “slow” media (read long-form content) over “fast” media.
  • Got some new office seat with good back support.