Week Notes: 8

Mar 15, 2022 21:20 · 324 words · 2 minutes read weekly-reviews

Free And Open Source(FOSS) Work

  • Reviewed: 595, 663
  • Merged: 680. Will test this out some time this week.
  • Merged my work on “uploading” (case-attribute) data in gn2: 675 and 675.
  • For our gemini-based issue tracker, our team has designated one member to always keep a check on the issues to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. This role is rotating.

Grad School

  • Nothing much to talk about. Just a bunch of assignments that are due this week.


  • Finished the book: “Bad Science”.
  • Started and finished the book: “Just A Book” (this book chronicles the band: “Just A Band”).

Personal & Miscellaneous

  • I went on my first Safari ever at Silole sanctuary. This was a great experience. I’ll try to blog about it later this week. Some big thing I got out of this is that I now have a deeper appreciation for nature and our environment; also I now appreciate quiet spaces.
  • My Bullet Journal filled up, so I moved to a new one. I’m currently using an Eregatti leather notebook, and thus far I love the experience. The quality of paper is better than my previous moleskin journals. I also prepared some other moleskin journal for taking notes– this will be my reading journal.
  • My health situation got worse: puffy eyes, puffy (painful) lips and rashes in random places in my body. I went to the hospital and was give anti-histamines.
  • In the aforementioned visit to the hospital, I insisted on a diabetic test. Good news: I’m no longer pre-diabetic; my blood sugar levels are level. A life-style change definitely contributed to this.
  • Bought the Book: “Godfather” by Mario Puzo.
  • Hanged out at Pallet Caffe in Gigiri to celebrate a dear one’s birthday. Huge question that came up: “How would you want people to celebrate you?”