Software/ Hardware Dev Laws

Feb 27, 2017 19:12 · 335 words · 2 minutes read funny software

I found this lying somewhere in my hard drive and I found it amusing. It’s probably from some article I read along long time ago.

These are some “laws” that apply during software/ hardware dev work and I find them truthfull(and funny)!

Here goes:
1. Postel’s Principle
Be conservative in what you send, liberal in what you accept
2. Parkinson’s Law Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
3. Haack’s Law
Work expands so as to overflow the time available and spill on the floor leaving a very sticky mess.
4.Pareto Principle
For many phenomena, 80% of consequences stem from 20% of the causes.
5. Sturgeon’s Revelation
Ninety percent of everything is crud.
6. The Peter Principle
In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.
7. Hofstadter’s Law
A task always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
8. Murphy’s Law
If anything can go wrong, it will.
9. Brook’s Law
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later. The bearing of a child takes 9 months, no matter how many women are assigned.
10. Conway’s Law
Any piece of software reflects the organizational structure that produced it.
11. Kerchkhoff’s Principe
In cryptography, a system should be secure even if everything about the system, except for a small piece of information.
12. Linus’s Law
Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.
13. Reed’s Law
The utility of large networks, particularly social networks, scales exponentially with the size of the network.
14 Metcalfe’s Law
In network theory , the value of a system grows as approximately as the square of the number of users of the system.
15. Moore’s Law
The power of computers per unit cost doubles every 24 months.
16. Rock’s Law
The cost of a semiconductor chip fabrication plant doubles every four years.
17. Wirth’s Law
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster.
18. Zawinski’s Law
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster.