Introduction to SICP Reading Notes

Feb 21, 2017 18:11 · 163 words · 1 minute read programming sicp scheme

Introducing the “SICP” reading notes

SICP[Structure and Theory of Computer Programs] is a book that most ninjas out there in the wild web respect. Some time last year I embarked on the road of completing this book. However, school work and other random stuff got the better part of me[and my time] and I could not stay committed to my goal. Well, I have had this bright idea. Why not keep track of my reading progress online and share some of my insights[in terms of reading notes] to people online?

First, I reckon that I’d need a plan and goals. Here are my plans:
1. Read the book in its entirety
2. See all the video lectures by Sussman and Abelson.
3. Complete most of the exercises in the book.
4. Do the interesting projects listed in the book.

I hope to stay faithful to this endeavor. I will be sharing all my code snippets on GitHub here.

May the journey begin :)